Posts by Michael Bundrant:

So simple it’s ridiculous: #1 tip for losing weight and keeping it off forever,
Record what you eat. Done. Take 10 seconds at every meal to log what you eat it in a smartphone app (LoseIt is my favorite). When you use LoseIt or a similar app, you’ll get an automatic calculation of calories, carbs, protein, fats, fiber and more. LoseIt tracks your progress toward goals and even tells Read More

Food label lies fool consumers – Check out the misinformation!,
Anyone paying attention to the food going into their body understands how hard it can be to find healthy options in public eating establishments. It makes matters worse that big food brands deliberately attempt to hide the truth about their products. Case in point. I’m sitting in Starbucks with a cup of coffee and the Read More

Three parts of metabolism you must understand to lose weight,
As we age, our metabolism tends to slow down. Even young people experience this. I remember the first time I noticed this happening, I was eighteen years old and fresh out of high school. All of the girls that I knew gained a good ten to fifteen pounds. We were all used to being able Read More

The truth about weight loss plateaus,
It happens to nearly everyone who is successful at losing weight: the plateau. You’ve counted endless calories, worked your butt off (literally) at the gym, and then all of the sudden the progress stops. Or does it? Science shows that initially, when you set out on your weight loss journey and you cut calories, your Read More

Juice cleanses: Are they the right weight loss choice for you?,
Juice cleanses have become an interesting fad in weight loss, and with quick weight loss being one of the benefits, it’s no wonder it has become so popular. Is a juice cleanse right for you? Many that choose to try a juice cleanse have a hard time because it involves absolutely no solid foods. Being Read More

Beyond endorphins: More biochemical reasons why running can make you happy (it’s all about dopamine and leptin),
For many people, the excitement of running is about putting on your shoes and setting yourself free to feel the sun on your face and the wind in your hair. For others, it is about the burn of the workout and the results thereof. But without a doubt, everyone who gets their blood pumping has Read More

Miracle plant curbs cravings and helps you feel fuller, longer,
For millions who embark upon a weight loss journey, the one thing that inhibits success is something sweet. If you have a sweet tooth that just won’t quit, this post is for you. What if I told you that there is a miracle plant out there that can curb cravings and help you feel fuller, Read More

Is slow metabolism to blame for chronic weight loss failure?,
By Mike Bundrant of the iNLP Center. “I’ve tried everything under the sun and I still can’t lose weight. I must have a super slow metabolism.” Diet resistant people are those for whom weight loss is seemingly impossible. These folks typically try a large variety of weight loss programs, over and over, and fail, over Read More

The reason your weight loss pills didn’t work,
According to ABC News, at any give time in the United States there are 100 million people on a diet. Those 100 million people spend 20 billion annually on commercial weight loss fixes. Weight loss pills are among the various products hyped up to be the missing piece in your weight loss plan. If they Read More

Sitting for long periods of time? Study shows just this much movement reduces the damage to circulation,
Every day, millions of people go to work and sit behind a desk. With technology becoming more and more prevalent, they’re staying at that desk for longer and longer periods of time. A new study shows that all this desk time may cause specific damage to the arteries in the leg. But, walking for just Read More