60-second daily activity linked to increased weight loss

Want to lose weight, but don’t want to put more than one minute a day into it?

Then you’d better get the most out of that minute.

Research published in the Journal of Obesity suggests that weighing yourself and recording the weight every single day is linked to improved weight loss.

Unlike previous beliefs that weight should be tracked weekly or monthly, the current understanding is that taking down your weight every day is enough to help you lose 10% of your body weight and keep it off.

In the two-year study mentioned above, participants were asked to aim to lose 1% of their body weight over the course of one year. The second year’s goal was to keep the weight off. Because most dieters gain back 40% of what they lose in one year and basically 100% over five years, the scientists wanted to focus more on maintenance.

Participants were told to use whatever weight loss tactic worked for them. Smaller portions, cutting out snacks and skipping meals proved to be popular. If they managed to lose 1% and keep it off for 10 days, they were asked to drop another 1%. This continued until a total of 10% loss was met.

According to the results, weighing in each day and tracking the results on a chart helped participants become more aware of how food intake affected weight on a day-to-day basis. It made individuals conscious of the fact that what they put into their bodies has a direct correlation to the numbers on the scale.

You need a scale and a spreadsheet or app. That’s it!

Can you imagine this working for you? It’s sort of like managing your money more effectively because you track it every single day. Your awareness of the bank balance is front and center; therefore, you are prone to wiser money choices.

Ignoring your bank balance and spending according to what you feel like buying can be an act of financial self-sabotage.

So, stay in reality with your weight and avoid self-sabotage. Try it for a week and see how it goes. If you find yourself making better choices, then keep it up!




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