Sticking to a healthy eating habit is challenging for most of us as it remains to be a prospect between pros and …
You may have seen taro root in your grocery’s produce section, but may not have paid it much mind. This …
New research reveals that even healthy people who consume a high-sugar diet are prone to heart disease. To reach this …
The only thing worse than America’s obesity epidemic seems to be the epidemic of being offended by everything. The rise …
Health officials in England have devised a new plan as they continue their war on obesity. The Public Health England …
Parents lead their children by example, and today’s youth are suffering in a big way because of their poor role …
There are more Americans alive today than at any time in our history: 323.1 million, according to the latest U.S. …
There’s no denying the appeal of fast food. Who hasn’t felt the pull of a juicy burger at the end …
A new study finds that Paleo diet may increase the chances of a person of having iodine deficiency, as reported …
A new study claims that drinking tea without milk can speed up your metabolism and promote good gut health, as …
A new study further highlights the negative implications of America’s obesity epidemic and why more education and policy changes are …
We’ve long been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Yet according to one London-based fitness …
London-based general practitioner and blog author Rupy Aujla recently shared a few tips on developing a healthier diet. Speaking with …
Supplementing with agave extract can lead to better gut health and even weight loss, claim the researchers behind a new …