There’s no denying the appeal of fast food. Who hasn’t felt the pull of a juicy burger at the end …
London-based general practitioner and blog author Rupy Aujla recently shared a few tips on developing a healthier diet. Speaking with …
In today’s health world, conflicts of interest abound, such as the meat and dairy industries trying to show that animal …
If you’ve ever wondered why you can’t get the same results your friend did by following a healthy diet, the …
Though food quantity has long been associated with good health, food quality may in fact play a much bigger role, …
The figures in the latest National Diabetes Statistics Report, released bi-annually by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), …
It’s hard to escape the fact that modern Western life is very, very comfortable for the most part, and certainly …
Professor Tim Spector from King’s College London, author of The Diet Myth, said a hunter-gatherer diet, one which includes seasonal …
Capitalism, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and well, the highest rates of chronic sickness in the …
(NaturalNews) Eating just a handful of nuts daily can cut your risk of cancer and heart disease by as much …
You can’t really go wrong if you eat a healthy diet, but there are certain foods that men in particular …
Many people like to start their day off with a smoothie. After all, breakfast is the most important meal of …
One of my favorite vegetables of all time is broccoli. In my family, growing up we simply called them “trees”, …
So, you’ve determined that your body needs a detox. But how do you go about it? There are so many …