To anyone who doesn’t frequently engage in exercise, just mentioning the word brings up images of exhaustion, pain, and lots …
One of the most common excuses I hear when it comes fitness is that people claim they don’t have time …
The only thing worse than America’s obesity epidemic seems to be the epidemic of being offended by everything. The rise …
Parents lead their children by example, and today’s youth are suffering in a big way because of their poor role …
Three grams of the amino acid phenylalanine may be the additional push you need to a leaner physique. Bodybuilders and …
A new study finds that Paleo diet may increase the chances of a person of having iodine deficiency, as reported …
Researchers from the University of Jyväskylä in Finland are studying the relationship between a person’s daily step count and changes …
A new study claims that drinking tea without milk can speed up your metabolism and promote good gut health, as …
Overweight and obese women – and especially brown or black ones who are lesbian or identify as being gender abnormal …
In today’s health world, conflicts of interest abound, such as the meat and dairy industries trying to show that animal …
Magnesium is needed by the body to keep the muscular system at optimum performance and also for the conversion of …
According to researchers from the University of Tasmania, taking two-week-long breaks between dieting is the key to greater weight loss. …
If you’ve ever wondered why you can’t get the same results your friend did by following a healthy diet, the …
A new study found that women who carry excess abdominal fat have more chances of having lung and bowel cancer, …