By now you’ve probably heard about the violence in Charlottesville, Va., involving supporters of keeping a Confederate monument to Gen. …
The results of an encouraging trial released by the Veterans Affairs Research Communications demonstrate the potential use of mind-body exercises …
It is common knowledge that lifting weights increases strength — but it has never really been determined just how much …
In normal times, a lot of people who exercise regularly tend to do so in order to maintain a certain …
Most of us are all too familiar with the boost of that good old cup of joe first thing in …
Study found dieters feel more comfortable with fatter friends But those that hang out with thinner people lose weight faster …
Since losing weight is so much about what you eat, not how much you exercise, planning out your week’s meals …
It’s my favorite time of the year. It’s still summer, but the monsoons have brought delightful relief and cool nights. …
That said, everyone has abs so why not get them looking sharp? Article by Ben Kenyon If you have put …