Why do people run? It’s a question that continues to fascinate scientists, from psychologists to exercise physiologists. Even though it …
A new study suggests mulberries could be key to new treatments for obesity, after finding a natural compound in the …
If you’ve struggled with maintaining the weight loss you worked so hard for, scientists say they’ve uncovered a biological explanation: …
FRIDAY, Sept. 30, 2016 (HealthDay News) — A weight-loss therapy that focuses on personal values and “mindful” decision-making may help …
Since losing weight is so much about what you eat, not how much you exercise, planning out your week’s meals …
This week it’s been brilliant meeting new people in the shop and chatting about their fitness goals and the new …
Simply put: you can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Article by Alex McNamara A lot of research has been done on …
Betty Uber once joked that she felt like she was born 150 pounds. From the time she was a student …
In the Unites States, 70 percent of adults are overweight, with 37 percent being obese. With these numbers, it is …
Navigating labels and digging through the latest health trends can get confusing–and fast. That’s why we’re talking with Dallas nutritionists, …