Top Herbs and Spices for Lowering Blood Sugar

Most who are dealing with blood sugar issues turn to prescription medications, which have a multitude of unwanted side effects. But something that people are learning is that nature has an answer, and in this case it lies in herbs and spices.

According to an article titled “Top 5 Herbs and Spices That Help Lower Blood Sugar” published by Natural News, cinnamon helps those with a resistance to insulin to process sugar more easily. Who would have thought that when you sprinkle a little bit of cinnamon on your toast in the mornings, that you’re actually helping your body to process it’s sugars more efficiently throughout the day!

Another article titled “12 Herbs and Foods for Lowering Blood Glucose Naturally”, published by OM Times says “Studies show that fenugreek contains a powerful amino acid (4-hydroxyisoleucine) that helps the insulin producing cells of the pancreas to produce more insulin thus lowering blood sugar. At the same time studies show that Fenugreek lowers cholesterol and helps protect the liver from the damage from alcohol… and detoxes the liver too.” Until now I thought Fenugreek was only good for boosting the milk supply of nursing mothers!

Cloves and clove oil is another natural remedy for lowering blood glucose. “Health Benefits of Clove Oil” published by Organic Facts says, “Studies have shown that the postprandial insulin and glucose response mechanisms are more regulated when clove oil is acting on the body’s systems”. This is just one benefit, from a long list of ways that Cloves and clove oil are good for us!

So, get out there and stock up your spice cabinet, and allow you and your family to reap the benefits of using a plethora of different herbs and spices! Not only will your food taste great, it will be a great way to shake up the normal dinner routine, and add a boost of “extra health” to your meal.



12 Herbs and Foods for Lowering Blood Glucose Naturally – OMTimes. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Health Benefits of Clove Oil | Organic Facts. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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